Treadmill workouts are some of the easiest and most convenient ways to get in shape. This is especially true if you track your workout. This can easily be achieved by using an Apple watch. So if you want to know a great treadmill workout on apple watch then continue reading.

There are many different times of workout trainers that allow you to track your progress in real time as you workout.
But the most popular option that most people have is Apple watches, so this is what we will primarily focus on in this article. So if you have access to a good rated treadmill and an Apple watch you’re good to go.
If you do not have time to run or walk on treadmill, but you want to burn lots of calories; then don’t worry, we have solution for you.
Read on and stay tuned to know, what sort of exercises you can do on treadmill with your apple watch to burn lots of calories.
30 second sprint intervals
Whenever you are short with time, but you want to burn more and more calories, then you can do the 30 second sprint intervals. This short term treadmill exercise will make you sweat out a lot. You will be end up with your entire body soaked with sweat.
But there is one thing, for which an individual should take care of, which is that; if you have never done any speed work exercise before; then you must keep a few things in your mind. These norms are necessary to follow in your speed training, which are:
• Make sure, the treadmill is set on 1% incline.
• Do not make rush for speeding up. Initiate your exercise session with easy pace, with just a simple and normal walk only. After walking for a minute, just start jogging for 5 minutes then. This is very necessary to be done, so that the body will stay warmed up and your blood will start pumping in flow. This is the time, when your body is ready for the particular exercise.
• Now, pick the pace up with putting hard efforts; like heavy breathing. After this one, just give relaxation to the body for at least 90 seconds.
• Do not leave the exercise before 9 repetitions. Make sure, you will perform it 9 times, which means 18-20 minutes for a better result.
• When you will get done with the exercise, just stay constant with the treadmill to relax. Do not jump from it at the very same moment when you end up the exercise. Make sure to do jogging for at least 5 minutes, so that the body will come on rest position.
Your apple watch will keep the record of your burnt calories and also keep the exercise record as well.
Side stepping workout:
This is the exercise, in which the person needs to run as well as to walk. Along with that, follow the good old side shuffles, which help to keep the body shape perfect.
Again, the treadmill mil should set on 1% incline.
• Again, warm up the body by walking on the treadmill. Continue with the warm up session by doing jogging for 5 minutes.
• When your body is ready to exercise, then return to the pace of walking. Now, hold the treadmill from one side rail, and turn your body. Just lower down the body with the squat position, and then start doing the side shuffles continuously with your feet. This will not only burn the calories to reduce the weight; but also helps at keeping the body in shape.
• After doing this exercise, now start with walking again to settle down your body. Make side to repeat the exercise 2 minutes only; otherwise it will affect your body muscles. After every 2 minutes exercise, just relax your body by walking.
• When you are about to finish your exercise, just try to cool down the body with 5 minutes walk or slow jog.
This activity can also be tracked by the apple watch easily, and you can record your actions.
When you are ready to do exercise over treadmill, make sure you will stay constant with your routine. If you will stop the routine in between, it can affect your body muscles. You are going to do hard efforts exercises on treadmill, so make sure to keep this in mind.
Apart from this, do exercise at least for 30 minutes. You can go over the time, but not below that, if you want better results for you. There are many more exercises which you can do over treadmill and van track on the apple watch also. So you should know about those exercises also. Now keep your exercises track with you through apple watch easily and stay motivated for a fit and healthy body.