Here’s your ultimate guide and the overall Reebok Treadmill GT40S review.
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The Reebok Treadmill GT40S is one of the best treadmills for home use. It has some amazing features that enable it to give the ultimate workout experience. This is done while entertainment is going on thanks to the MP3 player together with its able speakers.
You don’t have to worry about a trainer as the machine has some pre-installed workout programs. Storing it is easy due to its ability to be folded as well as its wheels that makes it movable. This article reviews this fitness tool in great detail.
You can check out the Reebok Treadmill on Amazon by CLICKING HERE
This great fitness tool is fitted with a screen that is 7 inches in size. The screen does not only produce images with great clarity, but is also easy to operate. Some of the great functions enabled by the screen include its ability to show stats like the speed taken to run, the calories burned, the user’s heart rate, as well as the distance covered by the trainee.
The machine is also able to operate at different speed levels, with the user having the discretion to choose the speed manually thanks to the many settings available. This ensures that fitness goals are achieved with ease.
Users have the opportunity of keeping themselves entertained while training on the machine. This is made possible with the various ports allowing the user to connect to external music devices. It also has MP3 player and great speakers to make this possible. Additionally, the machine has a socket plug where users can charge their phones. It has a handle that is useful in storing phones and drinking water while working out.
Users are able to push themselves to train harder thanks to the inclination settings available on the machine. As this happens, they get to see their heart rate. This is made possible by the hand grip that has the ability to sense the user’s pulse and tell the heart rate. The good thing is that the inclination settings can be done manually giving the user the chance to challenge them.
The Reebok Treadmill GT40S has a running space area covering 130cm by 43cm. This provides ample space for running even if the user is long in height or has big strides. The running deck is also fitted with cushions.
The cushions serve to make the running deck softer and have less impact on the user’s joints while working out. Besides, the machine is fitted with a strong motor that can achieve a speed of up to 9.9 mph and cover a long distance without developing any technical problems.
The machine comes with 40 training programs that are installed in it. All the workout programs are different and amazing. A section of the screen will display the training programs guides so that users can know what to expect in every program.
This gives them the motivation to train harder as they variety in programs available will reduce the monotony associated with ordinary training programs.
When it comes to the storage space required, the machine has been specially designed to occupy the least space possible. This is majorly due to its ability to be folded when not being used. It is fitted with movable wheels at the bottom which makes it possible to move the machine around with ease.
Thanks to the good motor system as well as other features incorporated in its design, the machine does not produce a lot of noise when operating. This does not only make it ideal for home use but also enables the user to focus on other things like music while working out.
You can check out the Reebok Treadmill on Amazon by CLICKING HERE
The following are the benefits associated with using the Rebook treadmill.
- The machine has many training programs that are pre-installed in it. With the variety in workout programs, users can choose an exercise that works best for them.
- The machine is made of hard steel. This makes it solid and stable as well as increases its durability.
- The machine has the ability to incline itself when prompted by the user. With 12 levels of inclination, the user can choose to intensify his workout thereby leading to great fitness results.
- It has the ability to monitor the user’s heart rate and show other relevant stats. This way, achieving fitness goals is made easy.
- Under certain circumstances, the machine is designed to stop itself automatically. This ensures the safety of the user is not compromised while working out.
- The machine is cheaply priced compared to other similar products. This makes it ideal for home use. The pre-installed work out programs will further help to cut on costs associated with fitness training.
- The product comes with great warranty terms that also guarantee its quality.
- The machine is easily assembled and free delivery is offered once the product is purchased.
- The folding capability as well as its wheels makes it easier to store the fitness tool.
- The running space available on the machine is ideal for persons of different heights.
- The machine’s design is such that it does not produce a lot of noise. Most users love its silence when operating. This is also ideal for those who want to work while exercising.
You can check out the Reebok Treadmill on Amazon by CLICKING HERE
The Rebook treadmill has some negative sides that its users will not love. These include the following.
- Some users have complained that the speakers in the treadmill are not audible enough.
- The set up manual only has illustrations. Some people prefer text.
- The hand rails are a bit too high making it difficult to be reached by short users.
- The machine weighs 75 kg. It is, therefore, not possible to be lifted by one person.
The Reebok Treadmill GT40S is a great fitness tool judging from the findings of this review. The features that are incorporated into its design is aimed at giving a great workout experience to any user.
It has a few bad aspects but the good features outnumber the downsides associated with the machine. Thanks for reading my Reebok Treadmill GT40S review and I hope it has helped you decide on whether or not to buy it in the future.