A treadmill with incline isn’t just a gimmick, as some may think. It helps to achieve results faster compared to a flat treadmill. But what are the perceived advantages of an inclined treadmill? Let’s dive in and find out.

- 0.1 Faster Muscle Toning
- 0.2 Improved Cardio
- 0.3 Alleviates Boredom
- 0.4 Variety
- 0.5 Hilly Climb in a Controlled Environment
- 0.6 Weight Loss
- 0.7 Equalized Effort
- 0.8 Ability to Workout Different Muscles
- 0.9 Whether you are looking for the best incline treadmill or just an affordable one, the following two features typically stand out;
- 0.10 High powerful motor
- 0.11 Cruise Control Feature
- 0.12 Gradient Range
- 0.13 Handlebar adjustment
- 0.14 Top 5 incline Treadmills.
- 0.15 FAQ’s
- 1 As we conclude,
Faster Muscle Toning
Not that I speak for most trainees, but it’s a well-known fact that any form of incline leads to faster muscle toning. You’ll end up hitting your goals quite faster than anticipated. I usually refer to this as the next fitness level. It may seem a bit hard at the beginning for the newbies, but as with any training, you’ll finally get into the rhythm.
Improved Cardio
By this, we mean that your heart is strong enough to support your workout through enhanced endurance. It’s a no-brainer that an inclined treadmill will increase your heart rate even further than when working out on a regular treadmill. It allows you to push your limits further, consequently improving your health.
Alleviates Boredom
You’ll most likely concur with me when I say that continuously working out on a regular treadmill is a recipe for boredom. Why not spice things up by creating different levels of difficulty? It not only keeps your workout session fresh, but you will look forward to the next set of challenges.
Not only will you add a different set of challenges to your workout regimen, but the incline feature will also ensure you perform more than just a jog. You can add some lunges, strait skips, squats, side skips, and high knees.
Hilly Climb in a Controlled Environment
We understand you love hiking, so do we. However, sometimes it’s impossible to fire up your soul due to erratic weather patterns, which could pose a potential threat. Rather than risking your life in the outdoors, why not use an inclined treadmill to mimic the outward hilly conditions? You’ll power up your leg muscles in a much safer condition as you prepare to step out and conquer the more expansive open space.
Weight Loss
Always ensure that the best incline treadmill for weight loss comes with its incline motor. It’s important to note that your incline treadmill comes with a separate incline motor and warranty from the belt motor. Some treadmills come equipped with programs to randomly change the incline to avoid exercisers from getting accustomed to their workout. How are all these connected to weight loss?
An intense workout is a significant contributor to weight loss. Typically, a heart rate of between 70-85% of your maximum heart rate is required to burn calories effectively. Random changes in your workout session can only achieve this, hence the need for an incline feature.
However, attaining a 90% heart rate is detrimental since it may lead to stroke or heart attack. It has been proven that regular workouts at a lower intensity are futile in burning calories, even when conducted for extended periods. For those changing the incline manually, it’s essential that you make changes gradually from 0.5-1% every 2-3 minutes for maximum calorie-burning effect.
Equalized Effort
Working out on a 0% incline will lead to a skewed performance compared to either running or walking outdoors. Why? There are mainly three factors that lead to this;
- The treadmill belt moves; therefore, you aren’t in a position to lunge yourself forward.
- There’s no air or wind resistance inside a controlled environment.
- When your foot hits the belt, there’s usually a slow down on the trad belt due to your foot’s opposing force.
Therefore, a treadmill with incline features will equate an indoor workout session (usually between 1-3% incline grade) to an outside one.
Ability to Workout Different Muscles
A percentage change in your incline targets different muscles. Whether you are working out your glutes or calves, your muscles are sure to benefit from an intense workout.
Whether you are looking for the best incline treadmill or just an affordable one, the following two features typically stand out;
High powerful motor
Whether it’s the best or affordable treadmill with incline, horsepower normally distinguishes it from a standard treadmill. Treadmills with strong motors are designed for large users. They tend to last longer compared to ones with weak motors, which often overheat and break down.
Always look for the CHP (continuous horsepower) since more power is needed when working on an incline. Though most motors profess identical power, it’s important to note that they aren’t made the same. And this is where pricing plays a vital role. The cheaper the treadmill is, the poor the parts. Do not be swayed by cheaper ones out there. Moreover, choose a manufacturer who swears or stands by their product.
Cruise Control Feature
Treadmills with incline should come with a patented HRC (heart rate control feature) system. Such a feature will help users to maintain their heart rate within a few beats of their target rate through gradual incline and speed adjustments. The cruise control button will gauge the stress levels that feel right and automatically adjust to your heart rate. It’s a cool feature that keeps users motivated and comfortable throughout their sessions.
Gradient Range
Most motorized treadmills fall between 12-15% gradient. However, consider getting an inclined treadmill with a 20-40% gradient if you are up to the task.
Handlebar adjustment
Reaching out for the consoles for adjustment creates inconveniencies by breaking your stride. Most of these incline treadmills have consoles on the handlebars for ease of adjustment, thereby limiting your stride’s interruption.
At this point, you may be asking yourself what the top 5 incline treadmills are. Let’s explore further.
Top 5 incline Treadmills.
The Sole F-180
This machine makes its way to the top position with the perfect mix of rock-solid warranty, durability, and price. It covers all the needs of most walkers, runners, and joggers out there. A stand-out feature is its ability to fold after every workout session, thereby allowing for more room space. Not only that. It’s made from durable commercial-grade material and comes with a 3.5 HP and a 15% power incline.
NordicTrack 1750
This is a favorite choice for training enthusiasts who wish to stream their training on a well-built and robust treadmill. It, however, settles for the second position due to stiff competition and a shortened warranty. It comes with a 3.75 CHP motor with a 3-15% incline. Other features include a 10-inch iFit enabled touch screen with Bluetooth audio for stats tracking and interactive training.
NordicTrack X221
With interactive training taking center stage in the training world, most buyers are keen on getting treadmills with enhanced entertainment features. The X221 offers precisely that. It comes with a 22-inch screen and a year’s worth of iFit workout sessions with a whopping 6-40% incline. Did I mention it further comes with a 4.0CHP?
Horizon 7.0 AT
The Horizon brand offers a range of budget-friendly and fantastic treadmills with the 7.0 At offering a mis of both affordability and features. It comes packed with a 3.0CHP motor that supports a 0-15% incline. It further exhibits a six-inbuilt programming option with a lifetime frame and motor warranty. It comes with rapid adjustment speeds for its belt and incline motor, which is a fantastic selling point.
Sole F63
The F63 is competitively priced and comes with a competitive warranty. A key feature that makes it stand out is its lack of fancy or techy gadgets, but it compensates for that with workout programs, durability, and quality. It packs a 3.0 CHP with a 0-15% inline. Its 6.5-inch LCD monitor comes with Sole’s tracking app for stats tracking.
There are other top treadmills that I also recommend on this site.
Having gone through the top 5, what are some of the frequently asked questions about inclined treadmills?
Which treadmill would you highly recommend for home use?
I would propose the Nordic Track 1750 since it packs quite the punch. It’s priced right and fitted with an iFit coach making it fun to use.
What criteria would one use to pick out the best treadmill for home use?
A lot of factors come into play when on the lookout for a treadmill. Speed setting, your budget, workout space, belt size, and incline/decline setting are some of the most important aspects to consider.
Are treadmills suitable for use in an apartment?
I get this quite a lot. Though treadmills have different noise levels, they aren’t too loud to disturb the peace. You could also place a shock absorber mat under your treadmill if you are cautious about the sound and vibrations emitted.
As we conclude,
A treadmill is among one of the best ways to keep in shape. However, a lot goes into determining the final product you will procure. Start by evaluating what works out for you. Most of the time, many go for cheap offerings, thus ending in premium tears. As a parting shot, before settling on your baby, give it a test run to ensure you get your money’s worth.