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The Healthrider H70T treadmill has mixed consumer reviews depending on what was expected performance wise.

This treadmill appears to have some great features for those looking for an entry level type of treadmill.

Meaning your needs are more focused on walking or steady jogging versus intense running workouts. Let’s take a look at this treadmill and see if the specifications fit your needs.

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Healthrider Treadmill H70T Features

The most important part when it comes to considering the purchase of any product is its features and specific details. You don’t need to see the full manual specifications for the Healthrider Treadmill H70T, which can be found on the manufacturer’s website.

Instead you need to know about the more about features such as heart rate monitoring, equipment adjustments, and similar items. First, here are the main things you need to know for the basics:

  • Foldable
  • Max weight limit 300lbs. (standard)
  • Power incline feature
  • 2.25 CHP motor
  • EKG grip pulse monitor
  • 3 LED windows
  • Tablet holder

If you are over the max weight capacity you should look into other treadmills that can support your body mass. The 2.25 CHP motor is slightly less than other treadmills in this price category, which is 3.0-4.0 supporting more intense workouts. However, the machine is designed to go 0-10mph making its mach motor capable of doing more.

The 3 multi-window LED panels come with the QuickSpeed control feature. This allows you to make quick adjustments to the speed of your workout even when in the incline mode. You can also view this as a safety feature when the workout is getting difficult and you need to slow down quickly but not stop.

The LED panel also calculates everything you need to know such as calories burned, distance, speed, and heart rate through the EKG grip monitors being held.

Now, the more unique features for the Healthrider Treadmill H70T are:

  • ProShox cushion
  • CoolAire workout fan
  • 2 built-in speakers
  • Audio plugin for iPhone, MP3 players, etc.
  • 15 preset apps
  • 8-week weight loss programming featuring Jillian Michaels voice

This special feature list alone gives you a good idea the Healthrider Treadmill H70T is designed for comfortable workouts at home. The speakers give you the ability to listen to music without the need of headphones stuck in your ears. Also, the plugin for your devices make choosing music an easy task.

The next two features are what makes this treadmill in the higher price range, which is the CoolAir fan and ProShox cushion. CoolAire means you have the ability to prevent overheating during your workout by switching the fan on to blow air.

Perfect for homes that don’t have central air, or if you want to save money not running the air conditioner just to keep your body cool.

ProShox cushion is for the treadmill belt that assists with taking the impact out of your steps. Normal treadmills without some type of impact cushion feature such as this can possibly cause more damage than good.

The purpose of a workout is to better your health, but this is difficult if your knees, hips, and spine receive impact from the treadmill belt. The Healthrider Treadmill H70T prevents this from happening and keeps your body safe.

Check Out The Healthrider Treadmill On Amazon Here

Healthrider Treadmill H70T Compared to Others

When it comes to Healthrider this is their higher tier product. They do have treadmills costing around $700-$1,000. However, they don’t come with these features making it the reason their other products are cheaper. Healthrider is a sister company to others in this higher price range such as ProForm and NordicTrack.

ProForm treadmills commonly come with the ProShox cushion even on the cheaper models like the ProForm 705 CST. All the treadmills in this line have the dual speaker systems, Quick Speed, and also Bluetooth smart connection as well.

They do have the preset workout apps going above in the 18-22. However, there is no integrated 8-week weightloss feature that were assisted with and voiced by Jillian Michaels unless purchased separately through iFit. This could be one reason the Healthrider Treadmill H70T costs more than normal treadmills.

NordicTrack being the other customer favorite as far as purchases go. Instead of the ProShox feature most of their models such as the NordicTrack T Series have the FlexSelect cushioning instead. This is where you can switch from soft impact resistance to firm road-like running in a quick selection option.

They also have clear video screens in the center that shows workout videos, your running stats, etc. However, if the screen goes out then the machine is basically useless since you can’t see anything with the entire reliance being on it.

Is Healthrider Treadmill H70T Worth the Purchase?

All these brands are released from ICON Fitness, so if you feel they share very similar features and parts then it’s because of that. NordicTrack and Healthrider are considered the above average treadmills with better parts and warranty agreements for most of the lines. ProForm is the more affordable line of treadmills that is similar but lower in price.

Consumer review wise Healthrider Treadmill H70T has close to 4 stars on average versus 3-3.5 stars for the other two brands. You also have to take into account how often you use the machine and if others will be operating it as well. Features such as the FlexSelect cushion seem to have issues over short time while ProShox isn’t a switching mechanism and simply just receives the shock.

In the end Healthrider Treadmill H70T could be a good purchase if you find this on sale, which it usually does every few months. Paying the full price may be a bit much, but the machine is more durable than others and should last for years.

Check Out The Healthrider Treadmill On Amazon Here