If you came here looking for an answer to your question “How often should treadmill belt be lubricated?” then look no further. Here is everything you need to know, whether you want to know how often to lubricate your treadmill as well as how to lubricate. But first let’s take about the importance of lubricating your treadmill.

Why Lubricate Your Treadmill?
Much like your car, a treadmill need oils in order to function properly. The lubricant for your treadmill works in the same way.
It ensures that the moving parts in your treadmill are able to move without wear. This will enable your treadmill to last a lot longer than if you didn’t lubricate it on a regular basis.
I know it may be a pain, but lubricating is one of the most important things you can do to extend the life of your treadmill. This will save you time and money in the long run. It will also give you peace of mind knowing that your treadmill is in good shape and will help you achieve your fitness goals.
I also understand that many people may become forgetful of adding lubricant (myself included), so it’s vital that you write it in your calendar on when to add lubricant. So when should that be? Let us get to that now.
How Often Should Treadmill Belt Be Lubricated?
There are a few ways to determine if you need lubricate in your treadmill. The first way id the most obvious one and it usually indicates that you are long overdue for lubricate and that is if you smell burning or see smoke when you turn on your treadmill. That is something that you don’t want to see or smell.
This is what happens when you don’t lubricate your treadmill. Try to avoid that at all costs. In order to due that follow the two recommendations below.
How often should treadmill belt be lubricated?
Answer: 40 hours or 3 months.
That is the general recommendation from most of the well known treadmill manufacturers such as NordicTrack and Lifespan. So what does that mean? It means if you use your treadmill more often you will have to lubricate your treadmill more often.
But if you typically use your treadmill less than 40 hours in a 3 month period then you should lubricate every three months. Write it in your calendar, set a reminder in your phone, do whatever you have to do in order to remember.
How To Lubricate A Treadmill
As I’m probably sure that your aware that every treadmill is made differently. There are different brands and models that all require different lubricant contents as well as the right amount of lubricant. So to avoid damaging the belt of your treadmill you should first read your owners manual to fully understand which lubricant to your and how to add it you’re your specific treadmill. If you can’t find your owners manual you can find the manufactures literature easily online.
In order to get a good tutorial in order to learn how to lubricate a treadmill watch the video below.
As you can see it’s really not that hard to lubricate your treadmill. All you really need to do is lift the belt and apply the lubricant underneath, making sure that you don’t get any on the top of the belt.
It’s also a good idea to check other maintenance issues on your treadmill while you lubricate as well, which already should be outlined in your treadmill’s owners manual. But they usually include, checking the belt for tension and alignment, checking the motor for any damage, as well as checking the frame of your treadmill to check for issues or damage.
Look below to find some of the more popular treadmill brands to find your owners manual. If you don’t see yours then you can easily search for it on google to find your owners manual.
What Lubricate to use for my treadmill?
There are two types of treadmill lubricates, silicone and wax lubricant. For most of all the treadmills out today, the manufacturers recommend you use a silicone lubricant. The silicone is a lot easier to apply because it will come in a liquid form which can easily be smeared onto your treadmill.
Here is a list of the more popular brands for treadmills to determine which lubricate is right for your treadmill.
You should take the maintenance of your treadmill very seriously. That is if you like saving money and saving the most valuable resource that you have, your time! So don’t simply toss your owners manual aside and forget about it. It was given to you for a reason. Lubricating your treadmill is only one component to keeping your treadmill working properly.
If you want a great tutorial on all aspects of treadmill maintenance then check out this article that will walk you through each step.