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Lifespan Fitness TR1200i Folding Treadmill

There are many treadmills from all different company’s stand out from others. Some treadmills stand out because they have such as low price tag, while other treadmills stand out because they offer a feature that no other treadmill offers. But most treadmills usually never deliver the best quality that in all areas of features. There are usually several down sides to each treadmill that makes the product not stand out as much.

Lifespan Fitness TR1200i Folding Treadmill 2But today I want to talk about a treadmill that truly is superior compared to every other treadmill that is on the market today that you can but. This treadmill I speak of is the TR1200i. This treadmill truly is a product that claims advanced quality features and certainly delivers on all accounts.

It is one of the highest rated treadmills on Amazon, as well as Treadmill Doctor and Fitness Professor. This treadmills is relatively cheap, will last you years, offers a great warrantee if something goes wrong, and mostly importantly offer you a great workout experience in your own home or office space.

So let’s take a closer look at some of the great features that you will receive once you go ahead and buy this treadmill. I have chosen some of the best features that I have found to be important to point out so you can get a better idea on why so many people love this treadmill and use it daily.


Main Features For The Lifespan Fitness TR1200i Folding Treadmill

The TR1200i treadmill is actually a great purchase for anyone no matter your age, fitness experience, or gender. Anyone who wants to get a great workout in the privacy in their own home can get a lot out of this treadmill and it will improve their health a lot faster if you were just to walk around your block a couple of times a week. Let’s dive a little deeper in this treadmill to see what you actually get when you buy this treadmill.

Handlebar Controls – This treadmill definitely stands out in my mind because of the handlebar controls, which allows you to control your speed and incline without ever having to move you hands from the handles to the console. This makes the ease of use for this treadmill skyrocket compared to other treadmills that I have seen.

Running for any sustained period can make you tired and if you have to press a button on the console while at the same time running and keeping your balance can be a task by itself. But with this treadmill all of your concentration will be on your workout and not trying to find buttons on the console, all of your control will be on the handles.

15 Levels Of Incline – This treadmill offers 15 levels of incline making your workout experience a lot harder than you normallyLifespan Fitness TR1200i Folding Treadmill 3 get when you run around your neighborhood or your local park. The 15 levels of incline make the preprogrammed workouts in the treadmill a lot harder on your body and it will keep your heart rate high.

This means that you will get twice as much out of your workout than you normally would with a treadmill with only have of the amount of incline capabilities. This is also good for people who want to increase their running speed for a marathon or other race length that they may be training for.

Advanced Deck Suspension – The Lifespan Fitness TR1200i Folding Treadmill offers one of the best deck suspensions in the industry. This makes running on this treadmill a lot more enjoyable because you will feel like you are running on a soft surface, unlike other treadmills where you feel like you are running on concrete.

This is also good because you are less likely to experience any pain and you this will make injury a lot less likely. Running on a hard surface for any sustained period will eventually do a lot of damage to your feet, legs, and hips, but this treadmill’s suspension eliminates all of that.

2 MyZone Heart Rate Control Programs – These preprogrammed workout programs will make you heart rate exactly where it needs to be if you want to get the most out of you workout. You heart rate has a directly effect on fat loss. This is because the higher your heart rate the more calories you are burning, which will aid in your goal of your desired weight. These two programs adjust accordingly to your own heart rate and it adjusts the treadmill’s incline as well as speed and time duration to keep your heart rate constantly high.

Go To The Lifespan Fitness Store Here

Price & Warrantee

The price of this treadmill is astounding. It is priced at $999.00, which is a steal if you ask me. With all of the main features that I just talked about this treadmill can easily be sold for twice that amount.

But the people at Lifespan Fitness really offer their customers quality products and really great prices that people can actually afford on tight budgets. You also get the chance for great warrantees. You can either get a three or five-year warrantee when you buy this treadmill, so if anything goes wrong you can receive great customer service and will be glad you bought from Lifespan Fitness.



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