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The most common question that is probably asked about treadmills is “Where can I buy a Treadmill For Cheap?” And if you are reading this you probably also have that burning question also.  Well look no further because this will be everything you need to get a cheap treadmill with the least amount of research because I have already researched it for you. 

First you have to understand though that you get what you pay for in a treadmill.  If you are looking for a dirt cheap price then expect that type of treadmill to fall apart the first time you use it. 

So even though a price for a treadmill may seem attractive, it doesn’t mean you should go ahead and buy it. 

But that also doesn’t mean you have to take out financing for one either.  (Although that definitely an option. 

Finding a good balance between price and quality is a fine line, but as you will see it is entirely possible to get a cheap treadmill and not have to sacrifice on quality. 

We also have to consider the used vs. new component.  You can certainly find a good quality treadmill for a cheap price on a website such as Craigslist in your local area, but that is circumstantial and I won’t be covering that in this article.  This article will cover only new treadmills that you can find both online and offline.  So let’s get right into the places where you can find some pretty sweet deal on great treadmills, but more importantly, CHEAP!

The best places to buy a treadmill for cheap

Below you will find some of the best places to buy a treadmill for cheap.

I think that most obvious place to look for a treadmill when you have a question such as where can I buy a treadmill for cheap is the granddaddy store of them all, good old Amazon.  This store is first because this is probably the most likely place you will find a cheap treadmill.  Check out some of the prices for treadmills on Amazon here.

If you plan on going the route I recommend you check out the MaxKare Folding Treadmill.  Although it’s probably not going to be the cheapest treadmill you find on the site, it does sell at a great price considering it’s quality and functionality. 

If you want to learn more about the MaxKare Folding Treadmill click here to check it out on Amazon.


And I think the second place when people flock to find cheap products is Walmart  Most people I think just visit their local Walmart and buy wherever treadmills that are displayed.  But I think a better option is going to and searching their online selection. 

This expands your options and you may actually get a cheaper deal online verse going to their physical store.  You can easily get that treadmill shipped to your local Walmart to pick up or you can usually get it delivered to your house.  If you want to get a cheap deal at Walmart I recommend the Jaxpety Folding Treadmill.

OverStock has some pretty cheap options for some good treadmills. This site tends to have cheaper prices, as well as deal, and discounts.  This is different from its mega store competitor, Amazon.  The thing about overstock is that their treadmill supplies are on a limited time basis, so their stock is always changing. 

It’s best to have a look at their selection yourself to get some ideas for prices.  These treadmills are usually overstock versions of products, so their going to be minor differences sometimes compared to regular store versions. 


People tend to things used items when it comes to Ebay, but that isn’t always the case.  You can find both new and used treadmills on Ebay at some really competitive prices.  Although the thing about used treadmills is well, it’s used.  Depending on who used it and how often they used it, the treadmill will have some wear. 

It’s best to do your due diligence and make sure you know what you are paying for.  That doesn’t mean you won’t get a great treadmill at a great price, you just need to take a second look at what you are buying. 


Well there are some options you have when it comes to finding a cheap treadmill that it worth buying.  The first place I suggest you look at is Amazon.  But you will certainly find some pretty cheap treadmill elsewhere. Have a look at our hompage for more options on cheap treadmills.