If can be very frustrating when your trying to work out and your treadmill comes to a complete stop. If this has happened to you it’s it’s leaving you asking the question, why treadmill stops suddenly, then this article is exactly what you need.
Listed below are some of the factors why treadmill stops suddenly, along with some quick and easy ways to troubleshoot the issues.
Fluctuations in the Speed
A common issue with treadmills is variability in speed when you are walking or running on it. Often, this is caused by friction in the belt, but there could be other reasons as well.
An appropriate method to find the root cause is to start the treadmill at a recommended speed setting (refer your manual) and observe it for a few minutes before hopping on.
If you notice a jerk in the belt, it might need replacing. You could also change the speed from the controls after you start walking/running and check if the treadmill shuts down. In such a case, it is more likely that the speed control circuitry needs attention.
Heated Belt
General wear and tear of the belt is a primary cause of the treadmill shutting down. How does this happen? Well, the constant friction generated between the belt and the platform continues to rise with more usage. When this friction reaches a certain limit, the belt can get heated and cause the treadmill to stop working.
Typically, this issue can be fixed by applying a compliant lubrication oil on the areas where the belt meets the platform. These oils are easily available at your local treadmill repair shop. Regular lubrication ensures that the friction does not reach a point where the belt gets heated. As usual, prevention is better than cure.
Loose Belt
If, while running on the treadmill, you feel as if you are slipping, it could just be that the belt is loose. When the belt is not properly aligned, its movements become haphazard causing you to slip. Be sure to align the belt properly as per your treadmill’s manual. On the other hand, the slipping sensation could also be caused when the belt is too tight.
To check this, try to pull it out at the center of the treadmill. A gap of less than 2 to 3 inches means the belt is too tight. Again, you may need to re-align the belt as per instructions. If the re-alignment does not work, too much friction is probably causing the issue and the belt must be replaced.
Display Issues
Problems with the console display can be, most of the time, trivial. If nothing shows up on the screen but the treadmill is otherwise working fine, you may want to check the wires going to and from the display console. There might even be an issue with the batteries if your treadmill display console comes with one.
Often, replacing the batteries or wiring helps fix the issue. Another likely cause of trouble with the display is that if your treadmill comes with a magnetic pickup, the magnet itself might fall off. In such a case, replacing the magnet is the only solution. If nothing else works, the problem mostly lies with the circuitry and must be repaired by a technician.
Motor Shutdown
Partly because it is the brain of the treadmill and partly because it involves intricate circuitry, if your treadmill motor gives up on you, it could prove to be a costly affair. If you have tried everything else and have run your treadmill at full speed, yet the motor continues to stop randomly or just refuses to switch on, there is no other way than to replace it. Continuing to use a treadmill with a faulty motor could be a major safety hazard. Hence, at the first signs of a motor-related issue, get in touch with your treadmill repair center and have it fixed.
No Power
Although it sounds simple, you might be surprised at the number of times a treadmill issue has been fixed simply by resetting the power cord. If your treadmill stops suddenly and refuses to switch back on, try unplugging and replugging the power cord before you go checking the belt or run to the repair center to replace the motor.
Chances are, loose wiring might have caused the machine to shut down. If it keeps happening frequently, either the power cord or the wall socket needs to be replaced so that you can run on the treadmill peacefully without having to hop on and off to unplug and replug.
Disagreeable Smells
By disagreeable, we mean a burning sort of smell. If that is what you notice, immediately switch the treadmill and get out of it. It may be a minor issue, but if not checked thoroughly, it could expound and cause fire safety hazards. Often, a short circuit in the wiring or the motor could be the root cause of the problem.
Other times, it could simply be due to too much friction between the deck and the back of the treadmill. Either way, it is best to get it checked by a professional if such kinds of smells persist.
i forgot to turn off my treadmill when i used it a couple of days ago……used it yesterday with no problem for about 18 minutes……today it stopped twice and finally i unplugged it from the outlet