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Many reasons may cause a treadmill belt to slip. You need to identify the underlying reason to fix the issue correctly. When you are running or walking on a treadmill, you must make sure that it is in good condition. Why treadmill belt slips? Here are the most important reasons that cause a treadmill belt to slip:

why treadmill belt slips

Loose drive belt

A treadmill belt becomes highly vulnerable to slippage if the drive belt wears out and loses its tightness.

The drive belt is located between the front roller and motor. A worn-out drive belt can stop the belt, but the motor may keep running.

If you experience this issue, you must examine the front roller. A completely worn-out drive belt even stops the roller and the pulley.

A loose drive belt is one of the most common problems that many people experience. During the initial stages, the belt keeps slipping every now and then. Many people over-tighten the belt to address this problem. This method can easily increase operating amps and burn the motor.

Lack of lubrication

The belt slips frequently when there is a lack of proper lubrication. Running over from the duck to a series of rollers, the belt makes the treadmill operation smooth. If there is increased friction between the rollers, deck, and belt, the treadmill operation gets disturbed. This situation results in belt slippage and may cause accidents as well.

Loose walking belt

This is another common reason why treadmill belt slips. People often check all other areas except for the walking belt. You must understand that a loose walking belt can cause slippage. The tension of the belt has to be kept at optimal levels to ensure smooth functioning.

When the walking belt stays loose, you may encounter frequent slippage while running or walking. What are the common causes that result in an untightened belt? As you keep using the treadmill for a long time, the belt undergoes constant stretching and turns loose.

You can check whether the belt is loose on not by lifting the belt from the center. If the belt lifts around 2/3 inches off the deck, you don’t need to worry about slippage. Slippage issues come to the fore when the belt lifts more than 2/3 inches of the running deck. Many people commit the mistake of over-tightening the belt. It can invite critical damage to high-end treadmill components.

The lost grip of the front roller pulley

Your treadmill belt slips if the front roller pulley loses its grip. Why treadmill belt slips in such a situation? Accommodating the weight on the treadmill belt; the pulley controls it to complete the operating cycle. Whenever there is a misalignment between the front roller and pulley, your treadmill turns vulnerable to slippage.

How can you discover whether the pulley on the front roller has lost its grip? First of all, you need to turn off the treadmill. Then, a piece of colored tape should be attached to a section of the pulley, which is visible. A corresponding piece needs to be fastened on the roller tube.

Now, switch on the treadmill and find out what happens when the belt slips. If you see the drive belt and pulley keep moving while the walking belt and front roller stay stagnant, you can easily suspect the lost grip of the pulley.

How to troubleshoot treadmill belt slippage issues?

If the underlying reason for slippage is a loose drive belt, you can use a belt dressing spray to treat the drive belt. You need to replace the drive belt if the slippage issues persist.

Lubrication-related slippage problems can be addressed using a compatible lubricant. It is always advisable to use a silicone-based lube that is recommended by the manufacturer.

You need to tighten a loose walking belt to prevent slippage. The owner’s manual gives clear instructions on how to lighten a walking belt. You should never over tighten the belt to cause damage to other treadmill parts.

If the root cause of the belt slippage is the grip loss of the pulley, you need to repair the pulley or replace the roller based on the exact reason.

Whenever you are making efforts to troubleshoot treadmill belt slippage, you must read the owner’s manual to get the best guidelines and instructions. If the issue is beyond your technical comprehension, you should hire a technician to solve the problem.