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If you are in the market for a new treadmill then knowing the treadmill benefits and disadvantages can save you a lot of time. Knowing the benefits of a treadmill can help you determine if a treadmill is actually something you need. Sometimes all you really need is some free weights. So let’s go over some of the main benefits and disadvantages of own a treadmill in your home.

The pros and cons of owning a treadmill

The Benefits of Running on a Treadmill

Easy to Use

It won’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to use a treadmill. The moment you see it, you will already know how to use it.

In fact, there is a Quick Start button that would allow you to work immediately without wasting time on adjusting the speed and incline.

When you press the Quick Start button, you must immediately adjust the speed and incline to a point that would suit your mobility the best.

The cool down period is another thing that you can control. You can decide if it would be five or even two minutes. It is a time when you must relax a bit before you get off the machine. You just can’t get off the machine after the speed of the machine is a bit high. Doing that will make you a bit dizzy.

Burns Calories Fast

If you want to lose weight real fast, running on a treadmill regularly can be a good solution. When you go out and a lot of people tease you for having a big belly, you know you would need to change something real fast. It is also never good when all your friends would want to avoid you all the time. When you are not confident regarding how you look, then it is time to change all of that.

Remember that you will be able to burn a ton of calories if your speed and incline are a bit high. Don’t expect much to happen if they are a bit low as you would end up ending the workout a lot earlier than you originally planned. Yes, you would lose motivation to continue the exercise so better make it a bit challenging and you will sweat a lot.

Good for Multiple Users

It is something that almost all members of the entire family can use. You just need to clean it a little bit when you are aware that someone used it before you did. There is even no need to adjust the structure unlike other forms of gym equipment. Since it is electronic, it won’t take much effort to adjust the speed and incline and you will be on your way to having a good workout session.

It is even possible to do two things at the same time while running on a treadmill. For example, you can watch TV while shedding dead weight or even read a book and watch as time flies by so fast. That is not even mentioning when someone see you running on the treadmill then this person will feel motivated to do the exact same thing.

The Disadvantages of Running on a Treadmill

It can be Expensive

There are a lot of treadmills that would cost you a lot of your hard earned cash. When that happens, you would want to make the most out of the treadmill by using it all the time. However, it is possible that there will come a time when you would get bored with it. Yes, treadmills are pretty boring since you will be doing the same thing unlike other forms of exercise like crossfit and yoga that allows you to do a lot of things.

Takes Up a Lot of Space

A treadmill is a bit big so you are going to move a lot of things when you buy one. If you have a small space, you may be forced to throw some things away. if you have a huge space at home, you won’t mind having a treadmill there since you will be motivated to do cardio exercises regularly.


A lot of people living in the same place as you may find the noise a bit disruptive. Yes, the motor can be a bit loud at times and there is really nothing you can do about that. It is something you must live with so running on a treadmill is something you can just do during times when not much people are in the house. The worst part about it is if that you do it in the morning, there is a possibility that it will wake up a lot of people.