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If your goal is to lose body fat, then a treadmill or a Stairmaster are good options to reach that goal. But how do the two apparatus differ? In this article you will learn which is better, stairmaster vs treadmill for fat loss. Below you will find a rant with no sections or organization, basically It’s just a rambling of my options. But hopefully this will allow you to determine which will be better for you fat loss goals.

stairmaster vs treadmill for fat loss

Stairmaster vs Treadmill For Fat Loss

Treadmills give us a workout where we run in a straight line at different levels of intensity speeds and undulations. The Stairmaster is similar, the individual sets the time and pace, but instead, its rotating steps simulate the climbing of stairs.

Walking on the treadmill against a Stairmaster workout would typically result in a bigger calorie loss on the latter, simply because it’s harder to climb stairs than it is to walk. The advantage swings back in favor of the treadmill when the intensity is cranked up by running, the reason being, most of us climb stairs, not all of us run.

Putting this into context, an intense 50-minute run on the treadmill would burn around 700 calories. The same high-intensity exercise on the Stairmaster would see a lower calorie deficit of about 400.

Pure and simple, the treadmill is a cardio machine, as cardio is all you are dealing with. The Stairmaster mixes up both cardio and resistance training, giving your lower body a good strength workout, but less cardio. There are advantages and disadvantages to both machines, so let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each.

We know the treadmill is the better option for cardio, as that’s what it gives us, pure cardio. The difficulty level is the same as running outside. Research discovered that by setting the treadmill to a 1% incline, this accurately mirrored the same energy expenditure as running outdoors.

The soft belt on the treadmill is less stressful on the joints than the hard roads and pavements, an important factor, especially when recovering from injuries or rehabilitating.

It’s convenient, no danger of slipping on ice or getting soaking wet on a treadmill. A choice of intensity levels from walking to sprinting and incline adjustments, making it ideal for both beginners and professionals.

Not everyone feels safe running alone at night. The treadmill gives you the advantage of being able to have your cardio workout at any time in the safety of your own home.

Boredom and lack of fresh air can be a problem. However, this can be lessened by listening to music or running in front of a TV screen.

It doesn’t truly replicate running outside, which means you could lose your agility. The ground outside is never truly flat, so your leg muscles are always making adjustments to compensate for the undulating terrain, a treadmill is unable to simulate this.

You use fewer muscles running indoors. The reliance on your hamstrings to push your legs almost up to your backside when running outside is mostly done for you on the treadmill with the propulsion of the belt.

There’s no getting away from the fact that treadmills are big. Although many now fold away for storage.

The Stairmaster gives you the added benefit of resistance training as well as cardio. The ability to adjust the speed at which you climb the stairs means you’re able to give those glutes, hamstrings and calves a good workout.

Climbing stairs or just walking in general helps increases bone density which helps reduce the chances of developing osteoporosis in later life. It’s is a low impact exercise, meaning far less stress on your joints, making it ideal for people who suffer from knee pain.

Because it’s necessary to keep your balance the whole time you’re on the Stairmaster you will be giving your core a workout, helping improve your posture and preventing back pain.

One of the advantages of the Stairmaster is also a disadvantage. Because it’s also a resistance trainer, it doesn’t give us a pure cardio workout which would benefit us more if we want to lose body fat.

They’re not recommended for people who suffer from back pain, as people tend to slouch when coming to the end of the exercise, putting more stress on the already damaged back. It can also be very monotonous with fewer variations when compared to other machines.

Cost-wise, you will be paying a lot more dollar for a Stairmaster than you will for a treadmill. Whereas a good treadmill can cost under $1,000, you will be looking at considerably more if you choose to opt for a Stairmaster, with prices around $3,000-$4,000.